Wednesday, 3 November 2010

The Royal exchange & method

I found the reading quite interesting and enjoyable. I found the reading about the royal exchange particular interesting; I share the point of view being expressed. I think we are more enlightened by other cultures and visitors, it would be very short sighted to life in a little bubble and say this is the way things should be done and no other way. Through other cultures and foreign concepts we can further ground our own believes and understandings. If someone from another point of view challenges yours, your reasoning can be so grounded that it changes their perspective on things, or their reasoning might be so grounded that it changes your point of view. In the latter scenario you understanding of something is pushed and expanded and may even be better.

I thought I had a good grasp on the article about method. I thought that method was very important in writing. You need to structure a piece of writing for it to make scenes. I see it allot when politicians argue on T.V, when confronted with a question they may not want to answer, there method is to deflect from the question and go on to talk about something completely else; sometimes getting so lost in the deflection that they do not make sense. On the other hand, writing an essay for example you need method to write it, otherwise points will get lost and may not be as clear as they could be. However people in the seminar offered a different point of view and suggested that method is not always important. which got me thinking maybe method is not important in popular writing such as gossip magazines, but it is important in academic writing when stressing an argument. You don't need much method in film reviews as it is personal opinion, for example.

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